Downsized...Now What?
As I collect my thoughts bring you something fabulous to keep you motivated. I in turn, am trying to keep myself motivated. This downsized thing is no joke. Everyone tells you to stay positive. At times, it's extremely hard. So as I collect my thoughts and meditate on the joy and happiness in my life...minus a job, check out this article by Karen Salmansohn. I find it refreshing!
The Map Out Of Doomsville
Losing a job isn't fun. But instead of wallowing in Doomsville, you must see it is an opportunity to take a new and better path -- a road of opportunity which will lead you to that career you've always wanted. Be honest with yourself! Did your ex-job pay your bills, yet empty your soul? Instead of earning a living - were you merely earning an earning? If so, this treacherous economy might have served you up a big, fat opportunity-- to finally take that path towards doing what you love and making even more money.
According to Jonathan Fields, author of Career Renegade: How To Make A Great Living Doing What You Love, "Promises have been broken on a scale we haven't seen since the Great Depression. If you lulled yourself into believing that a honking pile of money or a seemingly Teflon job was your ticket to security, you're likely smack in the middle of a really rude awakening."
Fact is, everyone's worlds are being shaken and in this shaking lies opportunity--the chance to come alive. Fields shares these 7 critical actions to set in motion a more conscious career change:
1. Don't Freak Out - Remember, you may have left your job, but everything that's gotten you this far, your skills, abilities, knowledge, drive, work ethic and relationships, go with you.
2. Own up to your passion--We all know what we really want to do, we just don't know how to earn a living doing it, so we pretend we don't know. Time to step up and give it life.
3. Research your renegade path--Given the right tools, technology and information, now nearly any passion can be turned into a viable living, often from your kitchen table and at little expense or risk.
4. Speeducate yourself--It's never been easier to bone up on any body of knowledge or skillset in very little time, if you know where to look, both on and offline. And, often, it's even free.
5. Turn out your tribe--Tap the blogosphere and social media to showcase your mastery and your passion, build a personal brand and drive future clients, partners or employers to you.
6. Rally your rabbis--Present the case of a lifetime to rally the support of those closest to you and connect with mentors and "rabbis" who've done what you want to do.
7. Master your mind--Cultivate a daily mindset-enhancement practice to help manage stress and keep you focused, motivated and moving aggressively forward.
Need a little psyche-ological boosting during this challenging time -- an emotional boost to push you forward? Check out THE BOUNCE BACK BOOK: HOW TO THRIVE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY, SETBACKS AND LOSSES by clicking here
(source) The Huffington post
whew, I know about staying positive.
quite frankly, what is changing is the mindscape of how to make money.
What has been recreated is a culture of hunters.
as I commented to karen, a day ago, this is global not just in america.
so the question is what now?
What do we do now?
More specifically, what do we do now so that this doesnt happen again?
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